Patent for Inv. Industrial 0001364350
Our finger guard, saves index, is made of soft nylon, it is inserted above the ring of the reel seat, and "fixed" at the rear, passing 2/3 turns of wire in the holes.
Very useful when you are launching more than 100 grams, especially in graund in surfcasting, essential to "tame" the spread and make the most, perhaps using a thin braided line for schok, which will greatly increase the distance.
video: lancio
Very comfortable, makes no wrinkles, does not affect the sensitivity of the finger in the release, always throws perfect!
Even from a psychological point of view, not having the fear of getting hurt on the finger, the concentration will appeal more to the movements of the body, earning several meters in throwing distance! Salvadito, salva indice starlight, nautica accessori, canne da pesca, produzione accessori pesca, pesca a fondo bobine mulinello shimano, reel accessori pesca, mulinello pesca, mulinello shimano, portacanne, surfcasting, pesca in mare, surf casting, bobine ricambio mulinello shimano xsa ci4

The "seam" only serves to keep it in its position, as it is always the finger that bears the tension of the line in the launch phase, the liguetta only has a duty to protect from abrasion index finger and gives no resistance to the release

Just insert the wire under the tongue, and the index is "saved", it makes wrinkles, like the inner tube of the bike, or the tape, remedies commonly used ....
We must not drift shaft every time before launch, and then having to take off for other operations trigger etc ...
Salvadito, salva indice starlight, nautica accessori, canne da pesca, produzione accessori pesca, pesca a fondo bobine mulinello shimano, reel accessori pesca, mulinello pesca, mulinello shimano, portacanne, surfcasting, pesca in mare, surf casting, bobine ricambio mulinello shimano xsa ci4
If you need to make a "lancetto", just place the wire outside the tongue, as if there were no ... not bother anything. The reel can be removed freely, "save index" based outside the ring.